Are you ready to quit smoking? Find your “quitline.”
Quitlines are effective, evidence-based tobacco cessation interventions that help tobacco users quit through a variety of service offerings, including counseling, practical information on how to quit, referral to other cessation resources, and mailed self-help materials.*
All 50 states operate quitlines that can be accessed through the 1-800-QUIT-NOW quitline (operated by the National Cancer Institute). This toll-free number automatically transfers callers to their state quitline. This easy-to-remember number allows for national promotion of quitline services. Health care professionals can refer patients who are interested in quitting to 1-800-QUIT-NOW.
Other resources to stop smoking:
- The American Cancer Society offers Quitline at 1-800-227-2345. Using Quitline can more than double your chances of quitting successfully. Counselors at Quitline can connect you with smoking cessation programs in your community as well as support groups and Internet resources.
- The American Lung Association has over 50 years of experience and has helped over one million smokers quit. Get started online through their program, Freedom from Smoking.
- We also encourage you to speak with your physician, who may be able to prescribe medication or nicotine replacement products.
* Ossip-Klein D, McIntosh S. Quitlines in North America: evidence base and applications. The American Journal of the Medical Sciences 2003;326(4):201–5.
Some information in this article comes from the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention).